الجمعة، 22 مايو 2009

Depleted Uranium on youtube

Here are a number of video films on youtube that are very helpful to show everyone what is the

reality of depleted Uranium.

The first one is short, but scientifically important. The scientist explains how and why can the depleted Uranium penetrate to the cells itself and what can it do to them.

The second one is about one hour and contains critical and frightening information about the DU and the history of radiation weapons. It shows many falsehood and get to the point that there is no radiation dose that is low enough to be called “safe”. It shows that governments of (democratic) countries don’t really care about what happens to their people


Professor Rokke tells us here about the gulf war, “the most polluted war in history”.

And this is a short film shows us what kind of beasts are at work in the Pentagon,and what awaits the human kind from them

This is another short film, referring especially to Iraq, in addition to clear scientific side of the subject, and explains why does the DU particles causes mostly blood leukemia and kidney cancers, more that other types of the disease.

This film shows that the American Army was not interested in warning its soldiers of the danger and didn’t advice them not to get in touch with weapons (of the enemy) destroyed by depleted Uranium ammunition, in spite of the fact that its research showed the danger six months before the 1991 gulf war, mostly for fear that it would make too much noise and eventually raise objection that can ban the DU.

This is the first of a series of films about the subject produced by Al Jazeera (Arabic) showing may frightening facts among which people (also Nobel Price Candidates) can be jailed if they insisted on going after the facts!

This video from “Russsia Today” shows an example of the horror that the Iraqi victims are living in. This will be the destiny of more and more Iraqis in near future…

Source: Russia Today

Is it then strange that people shout against “Rumsfeld”: “Here comes the war criminal”?

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